Schedule your online private lesson with Tatiana Whitlock today! Select your topic, available date and time below.
- Intro to Handgun
- Holster Skills
- Ambidextrous Handgun Skills
- Concealed Carry Consultation
- AG&AG Instructor Teach Backs (RESTRICTED)
Book Appointment
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So you purchased your first handgun, now what? You are probably full of questions or perhaps feeling overwhelmed at just how much there is to learn and know. Owning a firearm is a big responsibility and you apprehension can and should be treated as a healthy respect for your new piece of “heavy machinery”. This one hour lesson is designed to help you learn how to safely unpack/repack, handle, unload/reload, and perform a safety check of semiautomatic handguns. We will cover the safety rules and best practices for storage and transportation. This is also a great opportunity to have Tatiana field any specific questions you may have about what it means to be a new gun owner.
New to holsters? Looking to improve your existing skills for efficiency and safety? Tatiana will work with you in a dry-fire setting to establish the best practices, habits and techniques to ensure you are getting the most out of your dry and life fire training time. Open carry, Concealed Carry, IWB and OWB are all options.
Dry fire is an excellent tool to begin developing your ambidextrous handgun skills. Being a competent shooter in either hand is an incredible advantage in defensive work and an unfair advantage in competitive shooting sports. Tatiana methodically works with you and your specific firearm to trouble shoot and strategize hand placement, body position, eye dominance and more to balance your body and brain into becoming an ambidextrous shooter.
Adapting to a carrying concealed lifestyle can be frustrating but it doesn’t have to be. This one-on-one session with Tatiana is intended to help trouble shoot and perfect your on-body gun placement and offer holster and EDC gear product suggestions based your body type, lifestyle, and budget. Already have those big ticket items figured out? Then this session can be dedicated to maximizing your draw from concealment of fine tuning your technique.
- Handgun of choice
- 2+ Magazines
- Holster (if applicable, please limit to two options max per lesson)
- Belt (if applicable per your holster choice)
- Mag pouches (if applicable)
- Snap Caps (ST Action Pro are recommended)
- Chamber flag
- Pistol pouch/case
- *Recommended* Ballistic plate or HOT Pad
- 18 years or older, US Citizens only
- Safe, private, distraction-free training location
- Predetermined safe direction designated within that space
- Online Safety Waiver Signed in advanced of session
- No live ammunition present in your designated training space
- Strict adherence to the 5 safety rules at all times before, during and after the lesson
- ALWAYS keep the firearm pointed in a safe direction.
- ALWAYS keep your finger off of the trigger until your sights are on target and you have made a conscious decision to shoot.
- ALWAYS keep your firearm unloaded until you are ready to shoot live ammunition.
- ALWAYS be certain of your target, what lies beyond it, between you and it, to either side, above and below it at all times.
- ALWAYS keep your firearms, ammunition and tertiary gear stored inaccessible by unauthorized persons.