Self-Defense Is More Than Shooting
Shooting accurately is a mechanical skill that’s relatively easy to learn. But shooting is only one small part of the self-defense paradigm. For average citizens to get the best return on their investment of training time and money, we believe shooting skills must be acquired and practiced not in a vacuum but in an immersive, real-world context that reinforces the spectrum of skills required for the adoption of this lifestyle.
Our mission is to provide training focused on the skills that provide the best chance for success in a self-defense situation. No Hollywood-style gun play or “trademark pending” techniques that look cool but fail under the pressure of violence wielded by a determined opponent. Instead, we help people like you develop the skills, find the equipment, and cultivate the kind of attitude that can help ordinary people prevail in extraordinary circumstances. We prepare you to avoid the threat if you can, and teach you how to stop it if you must.
FPF Training maintains a fully-equipped, private training facility near Culpeper, Virginia. It’s just far enough off the beaten path to avoid any distractions, but still close to all the convenient amenities of suburbia. For most classes, we’ll arrange to meet first at a nearby service station and then caravan to the firing range.