EXPERIENCE LEVEL: None. This is an excellent lecture for instructors, family members, expectant parents or those planning ahead and considering how concealment and pregnancy can co-exist.
Course: 3 hours – 10am – 1pm EST
Tuition: $150
From the moment the ClearBlue test read PREGNANT, concealed carrying was no longer a choice for just myself; I was now literally carrying for two. Conversations about health and safety took on a whole new meaning. Each trimester poses demanding new challenges and opportunities for expectant mamas to nurture their baby-to-be while staying true to a concealed carry lifestyle. This lecture is an overview of the topics related to adapting concealment, so that individuals, coaches, and instructors can learn strategies and solutions to successfully carry for two.
- Notepad & Pen
- An open mind and a sense of humor
NO VIDEO POLICY! To protect the privacy and learning experience of your fellow students we have adopted a strict NO VIDEO policy during class.
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