This 8-hour class gives you the knowledge, techniques, and tips to carry concealed both comfortably and confidently. Topics covered include gear selection, holster placement, attire, lifestyle logistics and male vs. female carry challenges. This course answers the big questions about comfort and lifestyle to find the set-up that works best for you for daily concealed carry success. Dry-fire and live-fire exercises are a progression of information and drills to build real-world situational awareness, information processing, communication skills and stress management. Fine-tune safe and efficient technique to draw & engage from concealment as well as what to do before, during and after a deadly force event. Learn the essentials to carry with confidence!
EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Students should have at least taken a basic handgun class within the past year and have a solid grasp of range etiquette and basic gun handling and safety skills.
RANGE FEE: Included in Range Fee
- Working handgun, your concealed carry handgun of choice (preferably a centerfire gun)
- 200 rounds of factory FMJ ball ammunition
- Minimum of two (2) magazines
- Eye & ear protection
- IWB or OWB Holster (For safety reasons bra holsters, soft side collapsible holsters, cross-draw, Serpa, ankle, off-body, and behind-the-back holsters are NOT allowed during live-fire portion of course. Contact us with questions.)
- Magazine pouch(s)
- Sturdy gun belt
- Students are encouraged to bring their own lunch and beverages
ATTIRE: High collared shirt, cover & concealment garment (bring options to work with), Baselayers or compression garment are recommended to prevent being uncomfortably “exposed” when working from a concealment holster. Closed-toe shoes are a must! Brimmed ball caps recommended but not required.
“Brilliant tips and tricks for carrying concealed from a woman! She had lots of items for us to try and recognizes that not one thing works for everyone. I love that she was able to talk carrying concealed as a mother – something I was absolutely able to relate to!”
– Caroline M.